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  • Randy D

    Is there anyone on your AM Friends List who you don't know how

    Posted by Randy D March 21, 2017 - 8 votes - 596 views
    they ended up there?

  • Randy D

    Are you fertile? If so, how much?

    Posted by Randy D March 19, 2017 - 11 votes - 3,772 views

    fer·tile ˈfərdl/adjective

    (of a seed or egg) capable of or able to conceive young or produce seed.
    "Barbara carefully calculated the period when she was most fertile"
    synonyms: able to conceive, able to have children, fruitful, productive
  • Randy D

    Are there any examples of graffiti that you truly like?

    Posted by Randy D March 15, 2017 - 8 votes - 539 views

    Graffiti as defined by unauthorized painting of public or private property by persons usually unknown to the rightful owners of said property.
    This does NOT include the authorized painting of public or private property by persons known to the rightful owners of said property.
  • Randy D

    Should photos be allowed when posting polls?

    Posted by Randy D March 11, 2017 - 7 votes - 543 views

    Currently, photos/graphics cannot be made part of posted polls.
  • Randy D

    I'm placing the decision-making in all of your hands:

    Posted by Randy D March 10, 2017 - 6 votes - 508 views
    Which chores, errands, honey-do tasks or fun activities should I undertake this weekend? 

  • Randy D

    Did you come here to see if any new polls have been posted?

    Posted by Randy D March 9, 2017 - 11 votes - 619 views
  • Randy D

    Who among us here has NEVER used Uber* at all? (I'm first.) ~

    Posted by Randy D March 3, 2017 - 29 votes - 2,188 views

    A brief overview: Uber, a U.S.-based online-accessed public transportation service, matches its drivers with potential customers who need rides, and the two parties rate each other to achieve probability of future use.  A majority of the drivers use their own private vehicles, while a small number of them lease vehicles from the company.

    *The company's name is spelled without an umlaut because it was founded in the United States, a country where alphabet of the dominant language (English) does not feature umlauts. 

    A. I, just like you, Randy D, have never been a customer of Uber.

    B. I've only used their service once or twice, or only for receiving deliveries, but never as a passenger. 

    C. I'm disqualified from answering because I use their service all the time.

    D. Why can't you save me 15% on my auto insurance, Randall D?  Answer me that, you cad.

    E.  I can't take time to answer right now; I'm busy creating an Uber account on my phone.

    F.  I've never even heard of that company or its service before.

    G. Two or more of the above, namely, _____________________________.

    H. None of the above/other answer, namely, _____________________________.

    March 03, 2017.

  • Randy D

    A poll about newscasters' grammar:

    Posted by Randy D February 26, 2017 - 8 votes - 764 views

    This is morning I heard a newscaster deliver the line, "None of the injuries is life-threatening." I think it should have been, "None of the injuries are life-threatening." Of the two, which do you think is correct?

    1. "None of the injuries is life-threatening."

    2. "None of the injuries are life-threatening."

  • Randy D

    What is it like to be the one who posts the most polls?

    Posted by Randy D February 25, 2017 - 6 votes - 640 views
  • Randy D

    Do you think Donald Trump should stop tweeting or at least

    Posted by Randy D February 25, 2017 - 10 votes - 567 views
    curtail it somewhat?